COKK-036 - Charles the Bold (G185.2) - Medieval - Grudsky - Russian Made - 60mm
COKK-033 - 14th Century Italian with Sword (ME22) - Medieval - Arsenyev
COKK-030 - Knight Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex (6167)
COKK-027 - German Knight von Maydal Drawing Sword (3123.1) - Medieval
COKK-025 - Russian Knight, Kiev Kingdom (6183) - Medieval - Aeroart - Russian
COKK-023 - English Knight in Tournament - Medieval - West - Russian Made - 60mm
COKK-022 - Roman Legionnaire Crouching with Sword (RO25) - Roman - Aeroart
COKK-020 - 14th Century Knight with Sword (ME21) - Medieval - Aeroart - Russian
COKK-019 - English Knight with Sword (ME24) - Medieval - Aeroart - Russian Made
COAG-611 Medieval Warrior - Frontline - Medieval Knights - 54mm Metal
COAG-560 Man-at-Arms - Britains - Knights of Agincourt - 54mm Metal - No Box
COAG-559 Man-at-Arms - Britains - Knights of Agincourt - 54mm Metal - No Box
COAG-557 Comte de Fauquembergues (Set 41080) - Britains - Knights of Agincourt
COAG-500 Sir Edmund de Thorpe (Set K7) - Tradition - Medieval - 54mm Glossy
COAG-313 Sir Roger De Tolkinghorn (MK057) - King and Country - Crusades - 60mm
COAG-312 Sir Walter De La Mer (MK054) - King and Country - Crusades - 60mm Metal
COAG-309 Knight with Axe (MK046) - King and Country - Crusades - 60mm Me
COAG-300 Charging Knight with Axe and Shield (MK015) - King and Country
COAG-298 Crossbowman Firing (MK013) - King and Country - Crusades - 60mm Metal
COAG-251 Medieval Foot Knights 6 Types (MF.5) - Frontline - Medieval - 54mm