PnM075 - Milady de Winter - Milady de Winter is a fictional character created by Alexandre Dumas for his great novel ‘The Three Musketeers’. Set in France 1625, Milady is a spy and an assassin of the first order. She is in the pay and employ of Cardinal Richlieu and one of the dominant antagonists of the story. Described as being uncommonly beautiful, her beauty masks a diabolically ruthless and cunning nature that is totally remorseless and unrepentant for her many misdeeds. She is also an expert swordswoman, a skilled shot and a talented poisoner. In short, a decidely nasty piece of work! Milady also turns out to be the former wife of one of the Musketeers!!! She eventually comes to a ‘sticky end’. Here however we see her in a somewhat happier but just as deadly mood.
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SKU: PnM075
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